Child Obesity

In South Africa, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than doubled since the 1980s. One in five school-age children and young people aged 6 to 18 years in South Africa are obese and it’s only gotten worse in recent years. 

Many factors contribute to childhood obesity, including:

  • Genetics
  • Metabolism – how the body converts food and oxygen into energy
  • Eating and physical activity behaviors
  • Short sleep duration
  • Negative childhood events

Slim Active focuses on education and treatment of child obesity by teaching our youngest patients ho to make healthy eating choices and the value of each of the food Pyramid Food Groups.  This in addition to our highly advanced slimming equipment protocols gives kids the tools they need to increase self-esteem, image and overall good health.  These protocols along with regular exercise are key to a stronger and more productive lifestyle.